• Absorb

  • Workday Learning

  • Saba

  • Grovo

“In many ways, the year 2020 was one of the worst as it brought the Coronavirus pandemic. However, it was one of the best years for me professionally. Throughout the year, KONE worked on the transition from the Saba Cloud LMS to Workday Learning. The migration meant I was constantly testing Workday Learning and sharing my findings with team members. I love digging into new technology! I love joining the communities and learning through company webinars and focus groups.”

— Molly Brown

The Workday Learning migration also included change management and training plans. I created promotional videos and instructional content to introduce employees to Workday Learning. I was active in the Learning Ecosystem clinic, where we posted and answered LMS questions and shared future requirements.

I was recognized for contributing to the “Future Requirements” discussion in Microsoft Teams where KONE compiled future requirement requests to pass to Workday.

I will master any Learning Management System and quickly obtain certifications when needed.